This year I am taking Italian II by Ms.Iannaocco. She teaches Italain I, II, III, and IIII. What I expected to learn when class first started was how to communicate, spell, and tell time, weather, and date. So far all these things I have learned during my first year of Italian. I learned the alphabet, numbers, and many more.
My Italian teachers grading policy is just like most teachers garding policy
25% - Tests
15%- Quiz Grades
25%- Formal Assessments
15% - Informal Assessments
10% - Classwork and Participation
10% - Homework
. One thing that I like about this class is that we have a fieldtrip later on in the school year. I believe that we go to a resturant in New York City and learn how to cook and then eat what we have cooked. I find this very educational because since its a Italian subject learing different foods that relate to the language would help alot. Our homework is mainly on the computer and i find that helpful because its easier to read your answer and if you need help all you need to do is click a button.