Friday, December 18, 2015

Adorable Star Wars BB-8 Droid brought to Life with 3D Printing

  • A software engineer in Canada recently created a 3D printed replica of the adorable BB-8 robot from the new star wars movie.
  • J.R Bedard was inspired to build his own version of the roly-poly robot after the real BB-8 droid.
  • The BB-8 bot that inspired Bedard is reminiscent of R2-D2, the oh so cute "astromech droid" with the beeping binary vocabulary that accompanies protagonists like Padme Amidala, Luke Skywalker, Obie-Wan Kenobi and Princess Leia throughout the "Star Wars" universe.
  • But unlike R2-D2, this new droid doesn't roll around on wheels in the film; it has a ball-shaped body that spins around, and up top it has a half sphere for a head. Attached to the body by magnets, the head wobbles adorably as the bot rolls over the ground.
  • It costs $149.99.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Social Bookmarking Questions

  1. What's another way you can organize and store information on your computers?
You can screenshot and put them in folders under catagories you choose to name them under.

  1. What have you learned from researching the above topics? What do you know now about those current events that you didn’t know before?
I learned that bookmarking things and tagging them will help me find them easier. I know about many new awards and games that had happened recently, news and recent updates.

  1. What are other social bookmarking apps/websites?
There is a site called Delicious and also a site called Stumbleupon .

  1. Will you continue to use social bookmarking?
Yes, because it will help me get the information i need in a faster way without needing to go through many things to find it. 

Monday, December 14, 2015

Do Now 12/14

I was chosen to do a good deed for one day wearing an invisible cloak the good deed that I performed was help all of the people who are hungry and can't afford food. I went into many different grocery stores and bought all types of foods that I thought people would enjoy. For example I bought sweets like different types of candys such as chocolate, lolipops, gummy worms etc.. That's not all I also bought healthy foods such as vegetables. For example I bought brocolli, carrots, mangos, apples, watermelon etc..
But all these single food items I bought weren't the only things I bought , I also bought foods that were already made and ready for you to eat. For example Hamburgers, french fries, burritos, milkshakes, salads etc.. After I bought all of these things I went around to many different towns and citys and gave those items to people who I saw needed them. Everyone was very grateful and appreciative. I'm very thankful I had the chance to make this day come true.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Do Now

I believe a new class that we should add to our school is a fashion designing class. The reason for that is because most of the classes we have now are more boy like for example technology literacy, web, financial literacy. All classes that may interest boys more then girls. The class would meet after school at like 3:00 P.M so you have time to go to your lockers and get your things. Some things we would do is make clothing, think of different ideas, maybe have fashion shows and many other things.
I would look like a mini fashion studio with lights, curtains, and catwalk etc.. There would be music judges and alot more. It would feel just like an actual fashion show. They would have people wear their clothing to express what they made.

Do now

 Title the Post: RSS Discussion Questions
  1. Why did you select the sites you subscribed to?
I selected the sites I subscribed to because they interest me for example cheerleading interests me so I subscribed to it.

  1. Was it easy to find feeds and to subscribe to them?
Yes, because all i did was look up the site and add it to my folder.

  1. Which sites were your favorites?
Cooking, Cheering, and Tennis.

  1. What else can you use RSS feeds for?
Getting into things easier by entering a specific folder that holds your interest.

  1. How likely are you to continue to use RSS feeds in the future?
About 50% likely its really helpful. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Phantom 3 Professional Drone

Aerial video, there's immersive footage at your fingertips.

  • Crisp images
  • Beautiful resolution
  • Vivid colors. 
The phantom 3 comes with a 4k camera. There's live HD view, with distances over 3.1 miles.
You can keep your phantom 3 fully under your command while accessing the most-used features on the included remote controller. 
This piece is for flying camera platforms, making every flight easy, safe and intuitive.
Powerful mobile app

  • Compatible With Most DJI Products
  • Live HD View
  • Instant Video Downloading
  • Easy Video Editor
  • Comprehensive Media Library
  • Sharing and Connecting Creativity
  • Live Map and Radar
  • Detailed Records and Achievements
  • Manage Your DJI Account

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

W-R Wikipedia Page Findings

1. It's at Wood-Ridge Jr/Sr Highschool
2. It's a 7th through 12th grade school
3. Principal Mr. Russell D. Petrocelli
4. Assistant Principal Joeseph Sutera
5. No more Tennis as a sport
6. No more school newspaper
7. Wood-Ridge Junior Wrestling is not a website
8. Wood-Ridge Highschool Handbook website was removed
9. Bigger enrollment
10. New athletic directory

Monday, November 9, 2015

Do Now 11/9

My short break was just like any other ordinary weekend I have. I came home from school and went food shopping with my mom. Later on that day I went home took a shower and went to dinner in Outback Stake House.  After dinner I went home and watched T.V. The next morning I woke up ate breakfest and spent the rest of my day at home just relaxing.
Friday was one of those more fun days, I woke up, ate breakfest, got dressed and waited until 6PM for my friends to arrive so we can go to the mall. There was a group of 8 of us and we had a lot of fun just hanging out and catching up. The next day was another stay at home day but I had the chance to get my nails done. Then the rest of my day was spent at home cleaning. Last but not least came Sunday which was a day were all my friends came over and we sat by the fire until 7:30PM and everyone went home.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

A smartphone accessory to ditect diabetes in seconds

  • A new device which is intergrated into a smartphone can detect diabetes in a few seconds from the saliva sample of a person.
  • This device detects a biological indicator of a possible risk of type-ll diabetes in saliva and can be used in low income populations.
  • What makes this development unique is that it is adaptable to cellphones and gives results in a few seconds, avoiding the annoying use of needles.
  • In other words a compound is present in saliva , which becomes visible if the patient has diabetes. 

Monday, November 2, 2015

Do Now November 2

This article is about copyright and taking things off of social media that isn't yours but you claim it's yours. This is illegal because your basically taking things and taking credit for yourself so the people that came up with it technically don't receive any.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Snapchat Rolls Out With New Updates

  • Snapchat has rolled out updates for both its Andriod and IOS apps, bringing new video filters.
  • Speed modifiers - Slo-mo, fast foward, and rewind
  • It has also updated its app with 3D Touch functionally for the Iphone 6s and the Plus
  • The updated app version is available to download

Monday, October 19, 2015

Do Now 10/19

I can use google forms in my life in many ways, one way i can use google forms in my life is by making serveys for jobs. Another reason is if you want to be organized google forms helps you in that situation as well.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Web 2.0 Multimedia Blog Pre-Posting

This year I am taking Italian II by Ms.Iannaocco. She teaches Italain I, II, III, and IIII. What I expected to learn when class first started was how to communicate, spell, and tell time, weather, and date. So far all these things I have learned during my first year of Italian. I learned the alphabet, numbers, and many more.
My Italian teachers grading policy is just like most teachers garding policy
            25% - Tests
            15%-  Quiz Grades
25%- Formal Assessments
            15% - Informal Assessments
            10% - Classwork and Participation
            10% - Homework 
. One thing that I like about this class is that we have a fieldtrip later on in the school year. I believe that we go to a resturant in New York City and learn how to cook and then eat what we have cooked. I find this very educational because since its a Italian subject learing different foods that relate to the language would help alot. Our homework is mainly on the computer and i find that helpful because its easier to read your answer and if you need help all you need to do is click a button.

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